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Text Masks

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Letter Masks Directory

New "text" masks (91 total) have been added to the Alphaworld Object Path as of March 2nd, 2007. They are a complete listing of all standard english keyboard characters in the Impact font format. Along with this update also comes two new textures, clr_white and clr_black.

Uppercase Characters

The uppercase set works in the following format:


  • t_ : Standard text mask prefix. Does not change
  • a : Indicates the letter, replace this with any letter, a to z
  • u : Indicates uppercase
  • 1 : Indicates font set 1, currently the only one available.
  • m : mask indicator, standard

For example, create texture stone1 mask=t_gu1m shows an uppercase G with the stone1 texture.

Lowercase Characters

Lowercase characters have very similar formatting to uppercase. The only difference is to replace the u with an l (L) to indicate lowercase.


  • t_ : Standard text mask prefix.
  • a : Indicates the letter, replace this with any letter, a to z
  • l : Indicates lowercase
  • 1 : Indicates font set 1, currently the only one available.
  • m : mask indicator, standard

For example, create texture wood3 mask=t_zl1m shows an lowercase Z with the wood3 texture.


The number set is simple, and works in the following format:


  • # : Indicates the number, replace this with any number, 0 to 9

For example, create texture metal2 mask=t_71m shows the number 7 with the metal2 texture.

Punctuation/Special Characters

This set is a little more tricky to memorize as there is unique names for them all, so I will just list all them off here with what they represent.

Character Name Character Mask
Ampersand & t_amper1m
Apostrophe ' t_apos1m
Asterisk * t_ast1m
At @ t_at1m
Back Slash \ t_bslash1m
Slash / t_slash1m
Caret ^ t_caret1m
Colon : t_colon1m
Semi-colon ; t_scolon1m
Comma , t_comma1m
Dollar Sign $ t_dollar1m
Equal = t_equal1m
Exclamation Mark ! t_excla1m
Vertical Line | t_vert1m
Hyphen - t_hyphen1m
Brace (Left) { t_lbrace1m
Brace (Right) } t_rbrace1m
Chevron (left) < t_lchev1m
Chevron (right) > t_rchev1m
Parenthesis (left) ( t_lparen1m
Parenthesis (right) ) t_rparen1m
Percent % t_percent1m
Period . t_period1m
Plus + t_plus1m
Pound # t_pound1m
Question Mark ? t_question1m
Quotation Mark " t_quot1m
Tilde ~ t_tilde1m
Underscore _ t_uscore1m

Some punctuation marks, such as the comma and the period have been "centered" so they can do double duty as useful masks for other purposes. Therefore if writing a sentence with punctuation, it may be required to move the object with that mask on to the suitable position.


These are exclusively masks, and do not have a texture counterpart. You must use a different texture to display the mask. For example, create texture t_51 mask=t_51m will not work but create texture stone1 mask=t_51m will.

Use the pictwll/pictwlk object series for the best way to write text.

Inworld Listings

Page last modified on March 31, 2007, at 06:34 AM
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