SW City Newspapers - The concept of an Active World's newspaper came to be back in 2000 when the first SW City Times issue was created as a joke in a bingo world. Soon after, the idea caught on and a semi-serious newspaper was created. Half a dozen other newspapers were started up since then as well.

Current SW City Times Issue

The SW City Times is a monthly newspaper released by Syntax that usually reports on SW City happenings. The first issue of the SW City Times was released back in the year 2000 and is still going strong. A volume of the SW City Times consists of twelve issues.

Add an SW City Times newsstand anywhere you want! Copy the code (located below) into a news1.rwx object's action box (or any news stand object you may have) within Active Worlds.

An archive of back issues of the newspaper can be found by visiting the SW City Times Archive.

Past SW City Newpapers - After the SW City Times was started up, other SW City residents also released their own publications. They have long since been shut down but this is a place where you can find all the back issues of these now-dormant newspapers.

City Life
A newspaper created by SW Comit that was in production in the year 2000 from July to September. The newspaper reported on the different aspects of SW City and almost often contained some sort of humourous twist.

James River Journal
A short-lived newspaper created by SW Chris that reported on happenings from around James River. The Journal lasted six issues and ran from September 2000 to September 2001.

Other newspapers that were created that had a short-lived run included the Poppage Press (back issues lost in a format), Cypris Creek News, The Scoop and Decapitation Daily.


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