SW City Interactive (SWI) is
a system that allows citizens and tourists of Active Worlds to
interact with the SW City environment like never before. You
can hold conversations with city characters, collect an inventory
full of unique items, embark on quests and compete against your friends in mini-games. It essentially adds a new layer of depth and interactivity to the city.

Getting Started - Launch your Active
Worlds browser and teleport to SW City (Coordinates: aw 2217S 3610E 180).
Clicking on any SW City Interactive related character or item in the city will
prompt you to create your own Interactive user but you may also visit
the Interactive Headquarters (Coordinates aw 2212S 3615.5E 45) and use the registration desk. Once you create your account, you
are all set to begin adventuring.

Questing - SW City Interactive allows
you to participate in quests that can take you all over the SW City
territory. Explore
a deep, dangerous cave in search of a lost city. Discover
the mysterious past of a haunted forest. Play detective to locate a kidnapped person. Navigate an arctic wasteland. This is only a fraction
of the questing and exploration you can do with SW City Interactive.

Inventory - While you are exploring and interacting with the characters in the city, you
will come across many unique and even strange creatures which will
assist you in your journey. They will provide you with vital inventory and knowledge to help you build up your user profile and succeed in Interactive.
You will also come across hundreds of unique
environments which range in all categories you can imagine. Deep
forests, windy deserts, dank caves, harsh arctic climate. You name
it, it's here.

Everexpanding World - The dedicated team of SW City are constantly creating
new environments and quests available for users to experience -- keep
track of these updates through the Scarabian User Terminals located all over the city. If the system
is confusing at first, help is only a click away. Access the large help
files from any User Terminal to straighten out any problems you may
be having.
So come join the 1700+ users already taking advantage
of the SW City Interactive system. Remember, just launch your Active
Worlds browser and teleport to SW City (Coordinates: aw 2217S 3610E 180) to begin your adventures.