Commie Corp Orbiter


While small, these personal haulers are more powerful than they look. Able to transport 4 standard issue crates, they're a regular site to see in industrial yards and truck depots for short-run deliveries. They have a modular bed design, so it can be fitted with equipment suitable for the wares, such as cages for livestock or racks for lumber boards.


2002 Orbiter

2003 Orbiter

2005 Orbiter

  • Weight: 4,600 lbs.
  • Top Speed: 65MPH - 125MPH (fully loaded to empty)
  • Hauling Load: 6 tons
  • Hauling Volume: 4 (standard issue crates)
  • Fuel: HMFC-51
  • Fuel Capacity: 4 cells
  • Engine: Ener-Glide MiniHauler V1
  • Balancing System: Intel'i'juice Balancing System
  • BlueBook: 1,500,000ƒ
  • Weight: 4,722 lbs.
  • Top Speed: 65MPH - 130MPH (fully loaded to empty)
  • Hauling Load: 7 tons
  • Hauling Volume: 4 (standard issue crates)
  • Fuel: HMFC-51
  • Fuel Capacity: 4 cells
  • Engine: Ener-Glide MiniHauler V1
  • Balancing System: Intel'i'juice Balancing System II
  • BlueBook: 1,800,000ƒ
  • Weight: 5,110 lbs.
  • Top Speed: 65MPH - 120MPH (fully loaded to empty)
  • Hauling Load: 8 tons
  • Hauling Volume: 4+ (standard issue crates)
  • Fuel: HMFC-51
  • Fuel Capacity: 4 cells
  • Engine: Ener-Glide MiniHauler V2
  • Balancing System: Intel'i'juice Balancing System III
  • Base Price: 2,600,000ƒ

Simple, reliable and affordable, the first model Orbiter was quickly adopted by seaports and other industries which needed short run hauls. Its primary problems were the small cabin area, the hot engine, and the clunky balancing system would sometimes cause concern on tight turns or windy days. Regardless, its price and high fuel efficiency was a real crowd pleaser, typically able to get 315 miles per cell on a full load.

Responding quickly, the 2003 model was given a boost in cabin size, and a modified balancing system. Other tweaks in the design allowed for a higher hauling yield.

Two years later, some head turning changes were released with the new model. It was given a more high tech design, and the heating problems were fixed by a simple air cooling intake (in addition to the internal cooling). The 2005 also has a slightly longer bed, allowing for a few extra smaller wares to be hauled. The balancing system was streamlined closer to the chassis using a 30% mercury, 70% water solution to make the fluid heavier and more efficent and rebalancing the craft. That, plus the new engine revision, which packs more power, caused the weight to increase some, but is traded off in a +1 ton hauling load capacity.