

Lingarian, more commonly known as "Lingo" (or SW'ian Lingo) is a popular dialect spoken within the Scarabian Republic. It originated sometime within 1999 CE.


AbMo: Indefinable noun. However you either got it, or you don’t (Got Abmo?).

Ahhhhh: To indicate frustration, irritation, impatience, or sometimes relaxation. The number of H’s will increase as the power of emotion rises. May also be seen in reverse (ex: Aaaaaaaaaaah).

Andrew: The andrew1 texture applied to a vase3 object. A common item throughout town. Often affiliated with nougat (see nougat).

Andy11: A poor typer. Mostly used when someone adds a “]” at the end of the sentence.

Avject: An avatar object.

Baby Triangle: A very small triangular spot where ground cover was meant to be placed, and is caused by the ground cover being built around angled objected that act as the ground cover’s border.

Boggle: To indicate confusion, misunderstanding, or to be uncertain.

Boonie: Anyone who is a poor builder and is very inexperienced in any type of AW knowledge. This word is almost always used sarcasticly.

Bounce: A rarer AW word used commonly in SW City. It means to remove an area from your visibility range completely for a few seconds and coming back in order to reset any special object commands in the area.

Cap: To cap off a building or project means to finish its exterior, and to remove any loose ends. Capping does not concern the interior, however. Often, the term capping off means to gracefully put a building on hold, so that it looks descent from the outside at least.

Crash of Doom: When the AW brower crashes, and the user does not bother coming back on.

Cheese Log: See Loggers

Citrus: 1. To indicate a mass of something, such as a cluster of buildings. 2. A positive adjective. 3. A neutral, meaningless adjective only added for the presence of SW City Lingo.

CJ Sized: Big...big staircases, big buildings, big dump trucks. If it's big it's CJ SIZED.

Collaborator: Anyone who works for the city but isn't part of Administration of Management.

Comitculus: The highest level of math, where the answers of the equations are only found by the way the variables are manipulated at the given time.

Flint Egg: A secret or hidden aspect of a building built mostly for comical purposes.

Genuine Lag: Lag that occurs even after all practical methods of performance improvements have been applied.

Governor: The owner of a city District. See the city charter for official information.

Hovercraft: The standard vehicle in SW City.

Juice: Otherwise known as "building juice". To have juice means to be full of creativity and desire to build. To not means to be "dry" or "in a drought".

Lemon: See definition 3 of citrus.

Loggers: The first restaurant chain in SW City. Its most famous dish is the cheese log.

Mach: An SW’ian way of saying to move across AW using “move with mouse” skills, usually taking you hundreds of coordinates in a matter of seconds without use of teleport or warp. (Note: Mach no longer works since AW 3.4)

Manager: Anyone who owns a precinct in SW City. See the city charter for official information.

Mango: Similar to “citrus”, it’s the SW City’s fruit (such as the state bird in real life), and perhaps even what our mascot would be. Usually this word is used as a positive adjective.

MTN: Mountain. "Ferruccio was TREEING DA MTNS yesterday."

Nimbusian: The people of Nimbus Land of the River District. They can be spotted throughout SW City.

Nougat: 1. A secret. Any object, sign, or item that’s out of the ordinary in terms of placement. 2. A humorous thing added to a building (ex. I added a nougat to the living room). 3. An SW City form of wild life, sometimes found in hard to spot places. About 1 meter in height with a human-like face. Most burrow into the sand and rocks, though some have been seen in the sides of buildings.

Owl: By itself it means "very happy". But it's always seen as "owl hearts", meaning something that brings you significant joy.

Pexture: A texture graphic that's utilized through the picture command, literally meaning "Picture Texture".

Pop: An expression of sudden change, such as object deletion, teleportation, or building. May also be seen as “poppage”.

Precinct: A general word used to indicate either a sub-community or a suburb.

Radvis: The shorthand for "radius visibility", in reference to the radius argument in the visible action command.

<Repeating>: To copy and paste any bit of text over and over (ex: Click here for info Click here for info Click here for info Click here for info). Usually done to point out something really stupid, funny, or important.

Resident: Someone who has built in SW City provided their building isn’t a specially granted organizational building (ex: Like a travel organization’s office) or advertisement lot.

Sirqus: Derived from Circus, it means to clown around.

Scarab Warriors: Virtually always seen as just “SW”, this is the name of the team that founded SW City. SW was a team that played a shooter game called Scarab but was looking for another program to try and landed on AW.

Spruce: To spruce means to renovate or to add detail to an existing area. Most commonly it means to add landscaping and minor builds (like fences and signs).

Swarmy: The slang term for "SW Army".

Tiad: Tired.

Traze: Trees.

Wonk: Usually seen in all caps, it means “yay” or any type of excitement.

Wood: Something that is fake. If it's not wood, then it's real. (ex. Ferrocchio was a real boy, not wood).

Viceroy: The owner of a viceroy lot of SW City. See the city charter for official information.


There are 5 basic rules to lingo:

  1. Pronouns and only pronouns are placed at the end of the sentence, and the pronouns must be the topic noun of the sentence. The pronoun is also transformed into its objective case. (ex: “they” turns into “them”, “he" turns into “him”).
  2. Lingo can never be properly used in a commanding sentence.
  3. Lingo can never be properly used in a open interrogative sentence, such as questions starting with wh-words.
  4. Unless a comma is used, there should never be two pronouns pointing at the topic noun.
  5. Lingo is not “Yoda talk”.

Below are examples of lingo, converting regular sentences.

  • I am going for a walk.
Lingo Translation: Going for a walk me.
Bad Lingo: Going for a walk I.
Very Bad Lingo: I am going for a walk me. (double pronoun use)
  • He is smart
Lingo Translation: Smart him.
Bad Lingo: Smart he.
Yoda Talk: Smart, he is.
  • Go take out the trash.
Bad lingo: Take out the trash you.

No possible translation, Lingo cannot be used in a commanding sentence.

  • What is that?
Bad lingo: What is that it?

No possible translation, Lingo cannot be used in an open interrogative sentence. It can only be used in a closed interrogative sentence where the answer is basically yes or no.

  • I went to the store today, and then I hit a car, and the owner came out and started giving me trouble.
Lingo Translation: Went to the store today me. Hit a car me. The owner came out, and, got all mad and started giving me trouble him.

Note: For the last sentence, the topic noun (the owner) had to be identified first by referring him as the owner, which is not a pronoun. So the only way to use lingo in that sentence would be to add a comma, so that you may refer to him again in a pronoun sense(which would be the “him” at the end).

For complicated sentences, the pronoun can be placed midway in the sentence as shown below.

  • That would be bad if the water level dropped.
Lingo translation: Would be bad that if the water level dropped.

However, placing the pronoun midway is harder to read, so the more common way to do this sentence would be to use “face assistance” as shown below.

X_X @ if the water level dropped. Would be bad that.

Chain Lingo

Chain Lingo is taking a word from one sentence and starting another sentence based on that word, typically a brief fact or statement about that word. However, sometimes two or three sentences can be made about one thing. In the end, the last fact or statement is then tied to the first sentence that started it all, in an attempt to prove the last fact applies to the first sentence. Below is a brief example.

This is an example of chain lingo. A chain it. Linked together it. Like linked sausages it. A food item that. Like a banana it. Sorta shaped like boomerangs those. But, can’t be used like a boomerang it. Mishaped it. Outa shape it. Should work out some more it. Would be the buffest banana on the block it. A good goal to aim for that. Therefore, chain lingo = a good goal.

Alternate Lingo

As time has progressed, a couple different strains of lingo have emerged and taken on a life of their own.

Haroldian Lingo

This strain of lingo is spoken by Harolds, consists of 3 basic rules:

  1. Broken Lingo: Disobey standard lingo grammar; use lingo in improper commanding sentences.
  2. Comma: A comma should be placed before the ending pronoun.
  3. Somewhat Proper: Correct punctuation and capitalization is key to successfully pulling off a Haroldian lingo line.

Example: SW Chris: I need to go and finish work in Path4us world, me.

Sevensian Lingo

A relatively new strain of lingo spoken by people who have only the number 7 in their citizen number; consists of 4 basic rules:

  1. Severely Broken Lingo: Disobey all standard lingo grammar; use double pronouns where possible.
  2. Lowercase: Use no capital letters within the lingo sentence.
  3. Laughing: Must include at most 3 (preferably 3) or less of one of the following laughter expressions, surrounding the lingo sentence: "haha" "hahaha" "lol" "lmao" Do not overkill on the laughter. Using no uppercase letters within the laughter is a key point that must always be obeyed.
  4. Buckteeth: Throw in a bucktooth smiley (:B or ;B) after one of your laugh expressions. Either standard or winking eyes are acceptable. It is always a good idea to use varying eyes if using Sevensian lingo in large doses, to keep it fresh. It may also be acceptable to toss in a "XD" here n' there.

Example: seVens: hahah lol hi there im going to sw city me haha :B